Book Recommendations

Whatever journey you are on, there is often an insatiable appetite for knowledge in that particular area. While we have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips via phones and other devices, there is a simple beauty in being able to set screens aside and immerse ourselves in a book.

This page is dedicated to all the authors who have inspired me along my own spiritual journey. Authors who have guided me, taught me and inspired me. Personally, I am still searching for many answers. What I do know is that my beliefs are not stagnant and they are constantly evolving. Occasionally, there have been some books that I dismissed because I wasn’t ready for their content. With the passing of time, I have revisited them and have had a newfound appreciated for the depths of knowledge within their pages.

I will be sharing my thoughts on these books via my Instagram page. This page will be updated regularly as I make my way through my book wish list! I hope some of these recommendations can help inspire you and maybe give you some of the answers you have been searching for.

This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a book through one of them I will receive a commission (at no extra cost to you). While there are many spiritual and self help books available, the books that I have endorsed here are the ones that have resonated with me the most. Thank you for your support.

Self Help: Psychology, Scientific and Therapy

  1. Positive Intelligence

    by Shizard Chamine

  2. You are the Placebo

    by Dr. Joe Dispenza

  3. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

    by Dr. Joe Dispenza

  4. The Code of the Extraordinary Mind

    by Vishen Lakhiani

  5. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

    by Stephen R. Covey

  6. Awaken the Giant Within

    by Tony Robbins

  7. The Magic of Thinking Big

    by Dr. David Schwartz

  8. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus

    by John Gray

  9. Simple Abundance

    by Sarah Ban Breathnach

Other recommendations

  1. LED Star Projector

    by BlissLights Sky

  2. Andreas Moritz Kidney Tea

Education: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion and Science

  1. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Philosophy)

    by Eckhart Tolle

  2. Becoming Supernatural (Science)

    by Dr. Joe Dispenza

  3. My Big Toe (Trilogy) (Science)

    by Thomas Campbell

  4. Quantum Change (Philosophy)

    by Janet C'de Baca and William Richard Miller

  5. The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment (Philosophy)

    by Adyashanti

  6. The Hands of Light (Science)

    by Barbara Brennan

  7. The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture (Science / Psychology)

    by Gabor Maté

    Movie “Wisdom of Trauma

  8. The Power of Now: A guide to spiritual enlightenment (Philosophy)

    by Eckhart Tolle

  9. The Tao of Pooh (Philosophy)

    by Benjamin Hoff

  10. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

    by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks

Non-Fiction Stories

  1. Embraced by the Light

    by Betty J. Eadie

  2. Dying to be Me

    by Anita Morjani

  3. 90 minutes in Heaven

    by Don Piper

  4. Angels in my Hair

    by Lorna Byrne

  5. My Whispering Angels

    by Francesca Brown

  6. The Untethered Soul

    by Michael Singer

  7. Man’s Search for Meaning

    by Viktor E. Frankl

Fiction Stories

  1. The Celestine Prophecy

    by James Redfield

  2. The Alchemist

    by Paulo Coelho

  3. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

    by Dan Millman

  4. Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior

    by Dan Millman